Parker/York Enshrined in NE Hall
Posted by: adamw
Parker (l.) and York celebrate the last two NCAA championships.
Anyone who has followed college hockey for years know how entwined Boston University coach Jack Parker is to Boston College coach Jerry York. It’s not just because they are the respective coaches now of two arch rivals. It goes way back and way deeper.
There was no better person to sum this up than our friend and Boston Herald writer John Connolly, in a recent piece for the Herald. It’s a must read. You should check it out.
The article was written because today, the pair are being enshrined, together, in the New England Sports Museum Hall of Fame. It’s only fitting, as the bond continues.
Both Boston-area natives, the same age, but from two different towns, went to two different rival colleges — yet here they, having been responsible for winning the last two NCAA championships. Each one of those was the third for each coach. They flip flop as to who has the most wins — they are 1-2 among active coaches, each with over 800 — and they show no signs of slowing down as they chase Ron Mason’s record of 924.
This chart shows the current leaders (it doesn’t yet include this past season).